In addition to the confused pernyataants

 Since coming to power in January 2018 Ramaphosa has made notable strides in dismantling Zuma's "mafia state". But he is yet to gain the upper hand in the ANC's collective kebijakan making.

In addition to the confused pernyataants about land expropriation without compensation, three other kebijakan developments could prove damaging to Ramaphosa's reformist jadwal. . Situs Slot Online

The first was the gazetting of changes to the Properti Valuation Act of 2014 in November 2018. This seeks to change the formulasi that will be used to calculate the compensation payable when a properti is sasaraned for land reform. Under the new formulasi, the nilai of a properti will be determined based on its penghasilan. situs judi slot online

Naturally, there are fears that if this new valuation formulasi is used irresponsibly, it could significantly affect residential properti values.

The second, contained in the ANC's recent election manifesto, is the issue of prescribed assets. The manifesto says the ANC must:

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Investigate the introduction of prescribed assets on financial institutions' funds to mobilise funds within a regulatory frame-work for socially productive investments (including housing, infrastructure for social and economic development and township and village economy) and job creation while considering the risk profiles of the affected entities.

This will require the country's pension funds and asset manajemen companies to invest a significant portion of the savings of South African citizens in state-owned entities. The masalah is that many are mired in corruption and delivery failure. There are fears that this capital will be lost.

The third is the contradictory pernyataants about the South African Reserve Bank. On the one side the Zuma-aligned ANC secretary-general, Ace Magashule, recently said that the national reserve bank will be nationalised. He said this would be in line with the resolutions at the ANC 2017 national konferensi. And that the aim would be to ensure the adoption of a "flexible monetary kebijakan regime".

Ramaphosa countered that this resolution was simply a "wish or aspiration".

At the same time, the Communist Party claims that nationalisation of the central bank is a tenet of the National Democratic Revolution, which is the central ideology of the governing tripartite alliance. The SACP argues that it's therefore a requirement if the alliance is to dukungan the ANC in the upcoming election. The ANC needs the SACP's dukungan in the election if it wants to avoid losing votes.

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